Above the World

    Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only celestial body known to have life. Although there is a large amount of water throughout the solar system, only Earth has liquid water on its surface. About 71% of the Earth's surface is ocean, dwarfing Earth's polar ice, lakes, and rivers. The remaining 29% of the Earth's surface is land, made up of continents and islands.  The Earth's surface is made up of several slow-moving tectonic plates that work together to create mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes.  Earth's liquid outer core forms the Earth's magnetosphere, creating a magnetic field that deflects  The greatest threat to life on Earth may come from space Next year, NASA will launch its most impactful space mission yet, hoped by all involved. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (Darts) is designed to hit the target first. This is an attempt to deflect an asteroid to test what to do when we find a similar space rock on a collision course with our p...

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A work style is how you approach a job or a project. The four types of work styles are logical, idea-oriented, detail-oriented, and supportive.
Your answer reveals how you work. Whether you're logical, detail-oriented, idea-oriented, or supportive, the way you approach tasks and projects can set you up for success in both your current job and your long-term career.

Peter Griscom, the CEO of peer-to-peer trading app Tradefluence, says identifying your work style is "absolutely important" to career growth. Griscom's idea-driven work style has helped him decide what roles to play and what companies to work for throughout his career. "When you look at a data-driven culture first and foremost, you realize that's not where I excel," he said.

Griscom also knows that he is more of a motivator than a supporter by nature. "I'm not naturally warm and cuddly, so I try to be a sensitive person," he said. “I need to know how I work because I can see where my


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